Chiff Chaff on our window box in January 2015
April 2014 - Bats now out at dusk. Fox crossing the field next to us and two hares seen as it is getting dark Common lizard seen at bottom of big field in area cleared of brambles.
May 2014. Hoopoe heard and seen. Hare in garden. Wood Ant nest discovered and now our new Ant Experience. See pictures below.
December 2014 - Barn Owls are back. Two heard and one seen flying over the orchard
Graham is a member of the RSPB and the Barn Owl Trust and very keen on birds and wildlife. One of our long term aims is to develop one of our fields as a nature area.
So far Graham has spotted quite a range of wildlife and we will add to the list opposite. Really pleased to see a Swallowtail butterfly (see picture below) on our geranium plants most of the morning (28th August). seen again every summer.
Have discovered bat poo in the storage barn. The bat poo has been analysed by the Somerset Bat Group and shows that the bats in our store are Pippistrelle bats.
For more information on Barn Owls - Click on the image below to link to the Barn Owl Trust. Also follow the link to the RSPB
2 Roe deer at bottom of orchard at around 8am, 3rd March 2014. Picture taken through house window.
The new Ant Experience at La Godefrere. Above being formally opened by Labour MEP Clare Moody on 30th May 2014. Below the Wood Ant nest itself at the bottom corner of our big field.
May 2016 - We have a pair of little owls nesting right in the roof of the gite!! Every day one is sat on a perch on the wall of the gite, keeping an eye on us. (They also nested in 2017). They are still around so hopefully will comeback in 2018.
Birds - see bird watch page for full list of birds.
August 2013 saw a hobby fly over the orchard, chased off by swallows. 2 days later the hobby was back and this time a swallow flew too close and the hobby turned and grabbed it, right over the orchard. The sparrowhawk has also been visiting regularly.
April 2014 - Two little owls on dead tree across the next field. Looks like a nesting pair.
Summer 2015 - Hoopoes nested in the field next to us.
Hoopoe in garden May 2013
Tree Sparrow in tree next to house May 2013
Bats - We have a number of bats who live in the trees in the orchard and come out as it gets dark. One species is pippistrelle. Bats have appeared in April this year 2014 and are regularly seen at dusk.
Butterflies - Red Admiral; Peacock; Meadow Brown; Wall; Painted Lady; Clouded Yellow; Large and Small White; Marbled White;Tortoiseshell; Swallowtail; Gatekeeper; Speckled Wood
Also seen regularly: hares, roe deer and foxes in fields next to gite.
ANTS - we have discovered a wood ant nest in our big field. A fantastic mound full of ants all working to keep the nest in order.
We have discovered a Fire Salamander, who lives in our water meter!! See picture.
Red Squirrel seen in garden Spring 2016
Hare seen May 9th 2014 in our garden