The Garden Project - We have plans to develop the gardens around La Godefere. We have started in autumn 2013 by having the trees made safe and tidied up. This has improved the light and made all of the garden more accessible. Our plan is to make the top of the orchard into a planted more formal garden area, in front of our new patio and pergola. To the left of this will be a large grassed area for relaxation and for games. The bottom of the orchard will have some shrubs and some more trees. In time replacing cider trees with fruit to eat. We also have plans to create a walk through the garden and down into the big field where we want develop a path along the bank of the winter stream at the very bottom. Around the orchard we want to tidy up the banks and plant more spring flowers and some hedging plants. The aim is to have a garden that attracts birds and butterflies and which is interesting and colourful to walk around. There are some pictures above and below as well as a PDF file showing the work done so far. We will update this page as the garden develops with more news and pictures. See now January update showing work done in the big field. I have now added two more files updating both the garden(Garden June 2014) and the orchard (Garden Project June 2014) as at June 2014.
Of course as well as all this new stuff we have a well developed kitchen garden and plenty of flowers!