Welcome to the Blog part of the website. This is my attempt to make sense of Kate and I living in France, the lifestyle,the french, my home and animals and anything else that seems amusing to me. Sorry I have a strange sense of humour!! 

The blog is written on a monthly basis with regular  news of my adventures and those of my animals at La Godefrere.  You can now look us up on our new facebook page - La Godefrere.

This website can no longer host my blog so I have changed to using wordpress. This can be accessed through the following link:


International Women’s Day part 2; Spring is in the air; ants awake; cat stress, an update; we have a birthday crane and there is chaos in the lane!

March 13, 2016
I mentioned last week that we were approaching International Women’s day which was on Tuesday March 8th. Our local newspaper always has some interesting reflexions on equality on this day. I noticed in the paper that there had been a recent survey of French people on whether they thought history was important and then who were the most important men and women in French history.

80% of those asked thought history very important, which is pretty high. Of these some 60% put Charles De Gaulle as their most important French man, with only 45% putting Napoleon second. In third place with only 30% came King Louis XIV. An interesting selection and all French national leaders who ran the Country. When asked about important women the selections were more surprising. In first place with 60% came a French politician, Simone Veil whose claim to fame was that she was the Minister for Health who in 1975 was instrumental in getting legislation through the National Assembly making abortion legal. The French recognise the importance of this legislation for women.

In second place with almost 60% came Marie Curie, a Nobel Prize winner but a naturalised French woman who was born in Poland. Joan of Arc only got 48% which is perhaps a bit surprising. But it is encouraging that the French recognise the significance of women who contribute to society in developing women’s rights and for their role in Science. I suspect the results might be somewhat different in Britain. A cartoon in the Guardian newspaper shows a teacher with a picture of Marie Curie telling a group of children what a great scientist she was. One of the children asks, “but what did she wear”!! The cartoon makes the point that the British media trivialise women and rate them by how they look and what they wear. There is still a long road to tread to achieve equality. It is encouraging to think that the French are a bit more thoughtful.

From the Guardian newspaper

On a lighter note the weather has turned sunnier and the last couple of days have been clear and sunny, although it is still a bit chilly in the shade. Mrs. Parish has a smile on her face and purpose in her actions as she can get outside and get some gardening done, especially in the vegetable garden. This week I got the chance at last to get the tractor out and to get the grass cut. I managed to do the orchard and the nature walk around the big field. It is good to get out on the tractor and the combination of the noise of the engine and my singing seems to have sent the moles into full scale retreat and to leave the exclusion zone completely.

The better weather has also encouraged me to do some spring cleaning down at our major visitor attraction “The Ant Experience”. In the corner of the big field is the impressive wood ant nest. Since last year it has got a bit overgrown with brambles and weeds. This of course will inhibit visitor satisfaction and be a bad thing. So I went down armed with various garden implements and have cleared the debris away to ensure that our visitors have the best view of these interesting creatures. When I went down at the beginning of the week the ants were still hibernating. 

The queen and a few of her worker ants (all female I’m afraid. Not sure they have an international women ants day) hibernate over winter and when it starts to warm up they get sent out to see what the weather is like and if warm enough they get going on breeding more ants (the male ant’s sole purpose) and rebuilding the nest and the colony. Well, when I went to look yesterday there were thousands of ants milling around. They seemed to be having a committee meeting as they were all bundled together. I expect they will sort out a plan soon and start to rebuild the nest.

The Ant nest rebuilding committee

I have to report that Moggie seems a lot better and less stressed despite the fact that he had a major fight with Archie last Monday. I had to rush in with the broom to separate them. There was fur flying everywhere and Archie had managed to get his ear in the way of Moggie’s claws and was bleeding all over the patio. Apart from that little fracas all has been peace and quiet on the cat front. With the warmer sunny weather the cats are generally a bit happier as they can go exploring and hunting without getting wet and they can find sheltered spots to bask in the warm sun.

Also occurring this week, Friday 11th March was International Graham’s Day, otherwise known as my birthday and this year I reached the significant age of 65. I know you will all say that I cannot possibly be that old but there it is. At least I can now look forward to the pension cheque coming through every 4 weeks. Should be enough to keep the wine cellar looking healthy. So my favourite birthday present was a large model bird for the garden. It is a crane a bit like a heron. Anyway I have put it up in the garden and it now looks very realistic. You catch it out of your eye and wonder, what the hell is that, before remembering! This is a present for Mrs. Parish who knows how to keep me amused. She suggests that maybe I can create a crane experience. We do get cranes coming over La Godefrere, but only on migration. I don’t expect they will stop off to chat with my crane. However I am contemplating some more garden bird ornaments.

New garden Crane

I also had a rather nice Exeter City football club scarf from Nigel, my brother in law and fellow fan. I can now sit down on Saturday afternoons to watch the results [programme and wave my scarf. It will also be a useful addition as it is a nice warm scarf and will keep out the cold wind. 

Thursday was a bit chaotic! Mrs.Parish and our friend Sarah were away for the day and so Sarah’s husband Ian and I were instructed to deliver birthday cards and present to Yvette. Now Ian speaks very little French so I was in charge of the delegation and responsible for the translation as Yvette and Emile speak no English. A visit to Yvette is not simple as we have to stop for a coffee and a calvados and make conversation. We kind of hoped they might be out, so we could leave the presents on the doorstep. No such luck. We arrived just after lunch and had the compulsory coffee and calva. I was quite good with speaking French and managed to have a decent conversation with Yvette and Emile without any embarrassing errors.

We decided on our way home to call round to see some English friends who live close by at the end of a narrow lane next to some farm buildings. When we got there chaos reigned as they had some visitors whose car was in the lane. Next the car was a very big lorry delivering wood for their log fire. However the tail lift had broken down and the lorry could not be moved. So we had to park Ian’s car behind the lorry. The driver was in the lane and I knew him as he delivers to us. So we find out that he is waiting for an electrician to come to fix his lorry. When the electrician arrives there are now 4 vehicles in a line. But this is France so rather than sort out the problem everyone descends upon Sandra’s kitchen for coffee, the driver included.

At this point the farmer arrives in his tractor with two great big bales of hay. So now a traffic jam of 5 vehicles and another for coffee in the best French style we all shrug our shoulders and reckon it will all sort itself out. The electrician decides he cannot wait and reverses in French style (very fast) his van over the verge at the side of the road, narrowly missing going into the ditch. After this there is plenty of manoeuvring to enable us to clear the lane. 

So a week that suggest that spring is arriving. The ants are awake and we have the last of our bird boxes up in the garden. Within 5 minutes a great tit arrived to investigate. The sun is still out; it may be time for an aperitif outside in the sun!

Bon soir


A week in which, apparently we have a stressed cat! We look at French equality and we find out about farmer’s knives.

March 6, 2016
It seems that we have a stressed cat on our hands. For the past couple of weeks we have noticed that Moggie had some bare patches where his fur had been pulled out. As it did not seem to be getting any better we decided to take him to our local vet in Ambrieres. It is a very nice vet’s practice but typically French. The Vet’s surgery is an old shop premises in the square in Ambrieres and going in you are met by shelves full of various ointments and pills for cattle. 

Being in a large dairy...

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We greet new neighbours; have an artist in residence; discover what lurks in the long grass and find “potage 10 legumes” can we take it all the way to 11 (which is one tastier!!)

February 28, 2016
It has been a week of cold but clear and sunny days. This has meant we have had time to get out and do more work in the garden and get some fresh air. The days are getting longer and it now I can at least get up in the light to feed the cats first thing in the morning. First thing is 7-30am. The cats are always gathered just outside the front door and as soon as the door is opened they flood in and immediately demand to be fed. They even get priority over Mrs. Parish’s cup of tea for which ...

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End of the 100 year’s war; the naming of children; Margot the Viking; Winter returns and we encounter giant brambles.

February 21, 2016
I managed this week to finish reading one of my Christmas books about the 100 years war. It seems like almost 100 years of reading as it was quite a big book but very interesting. The war came to an end after the resurgence of the French and following the appearance of Joan of Arc. Her appearance seems to follow the typically random way things happen in France. In the middle of a war fought on behalf of Kings of England and France a peasant woman suddenly turns up to lead the French army. Thi...

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The naming of Storms; do cats reduce stress; we have toad in the hole; our first bug hotel guests and spot a red squirrel.

February 14, 2016
Well, I would like to report that all is peace and quiet here at La Godefrere but the weather is not really cooperating. We thought that the nice young storm named Imogen had done her worst and finally faded away. On Friday we managed to get out into the garden and do some clearance work but by Saturday the wind and rain had returned. Not enough for a new storm name though.

A friend of ours, called Jacqui was hoping to have a storm named after her as J would be the next letter. She quite fanci...

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Happy Chinese New Year; Uncle Al and Auntie Debi come for a visit; Imogen also arrives and we experience French restaurant style

February 8, 2016
Christmas, despite happening 4 times here is now a distant memory and we seem to have managed to skip January, which is no bad thing. I woke up this morning and realised that it is the Chinese New Year. So bonne fetes to all my Chinese friends. This year it is the year of the Monkey. Looking things up I also discover that the year I was born in 1951 was the year of the Rabbit. On the other hand Mrs. Parish it seems was born in the year of the Dragon. I think maybe I should refrain from furthe...

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We bid a weary farewell to Christmas; finally it ceases to be Sunday; we encounter Alpaca antics, visit a forgotten animal park and get back to the repas circuit

January 31, 2016
So it is finally the end of Christmas at La Godefrere after our fourth experience of festivities. This past week we have had our vegan Christmas with Amy and Charlotte. It seems like a long time since our daughter Jo came for the first Christmas back in December. We have had to work hard to cope with an excessive amount of eating and drinking and have played so many board games that we are playing in our sleep. One of the most difficult things has been listening to our CD of Christmas music r...

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No.4 – Christmas with the Vegans; a secret consignment arrives; we have a very French Sunday and find out what the French do in winter

January 24, 2016
It snowed and so winter was here properly. But it didn't last and anyway we had more important things......

Winter from our front door.

So, our fourth and hopefully final Christmas has arrived with visit of my daughter Amy and partner, Charlotte. They are both vegans and accordingly eat no meat or any animal product. So no milk or dairy products. This poses a bit of a challenge in France who are not really used to vegetarians let alone vegans. The usual response is to expect them to eat chicken...

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In the land that time forgot it is Christmas no 3. We have a birthday feast, with dogs and cats thrown in; winter arrives and the cats go into dispute

January 17, 2016

So this week we move away from history to arrive at the land that time forgot. Here at La Godefrere time has stood still and it is still Christmas. At least for us it is Christmas no.3 as our son Ian and wife, Emma arrived along with friend Sarah. They arrived on Monday and we went into Christmas mode with lots of presents to unwrap and of course Kir Royales to drink.

It was also Ian’s 40th birthday and so we had a double celebration and to mark the occasion we had a lamb feast. This was wit...

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Mid-Christmas limbo; Mrs.Parish and the three headed beast from hell; Real Tennis and the headbanging Kings of France

January 10, 2016
It has been a quiet week and not much has happened. We are in a kind of mid Christmas limbo. As I mentioned last week we are awaiting the arrival of our son, Ian and his wife, Emma along with friend Sarah. They arrive tomorrow and we can then officially start Christmas no.3. So this week has been pretty much spent preparing for their arrival.

We have had to go out and do lots of shopping and the cart seemed to be outweighed by alcohol and cheese. We especially had to get some Beaujolais so tha...

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About Me

Graham Parish Graham Parish is a former UNISON Trade Union official who retired to France with Kate (a previous self employed gardener and now resident gardener here) to start a new life of wine, cheese, french bread and a vegetable garden on a large rural french farm with holiday gite, and associated animals.


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